Cloud Forest — Making Ceramics in the Mountain
雲森陶陶 — 山中做陶,進行中
在山林中有一群與土地共生的人們,如雲一般聚集在URS27M;他們用舒緩的步調從土壤中汲取養份,孕育蔬食植栽,塑土成器,陶陶其樂。「雲森陶陶 Cloud Forest」是URS27M新設立的一座兼具工坊、展覽、教育及藝術駐村等多重功能的森林陶藝創作聚落,期望以一種開放自然的頻率,提供給所有對有機生活與陶藝創作感興趣的民眾及藝術工作者們一個交流群聚的工作平台。
在春光初現的三月裡,我們以山林陶作生活為題舉辦為期三週的特展,讓藝術家黃木各的手繪樹幕與植物藝術家Domy的植栽裝置在老屋中生長成一片室內森林,以雲森陶陶藝術聚落發起人David Pipkin的創作脈絡為軸,分為土、色彩、形與工具等篇章,串聯起整座森林。
展覽共分為四個展間,「林中的泥與陶」將泥到陶的歷程化為地面上的一道河流,由土地流進生活再融入自然;「製陶所」邀請大家透過工具想像林中作陶的日常;「釉彩之間」呈現陶藝家如何從山林中汲取色彩再理性註記, 建構系統;「形之間」則精選出David Pipkin數十年來創作歷程中多彩變化的形與色。
The Cloud Forest Collective is a multipurpose ceramic art workshop newly opened within URS27M. This workshop is a proposed community for inspiring Taiwanese and international artists and general public interested in ceramic and natural lifestyle. It aims to be a community hub for all by providing access to ceramic art and, artist exhibitions, classes, and lectures, workshops.
Coincided with the opening of the Workshop, an exhibition and a series of workshop events are held in URS27M throughout March. The exhibition titled “Making Ceramics in the Mountain” centers around the creative process of David Pipkin, the initiator of Cloud Forest Collective while the exhibition space was transformed into an indoor forest with large-scale painted trees by Huang Mu-Ge and plant art installations by Domy.
The exhibition is divided into four sections: “From Clay to Ceramics”illustrates the ceramic making process with numerous ‘unfinished’ ceramics flowing through the ground under floating trees; “Pottery in the Making” re-creates the working pottery studio space; “Room of Glaze” exhibits the personal color systems constructed by the artist in order to grasp the uncontrollable color variation of Raku ceramics; finally, a fine selection of David’s works along with other international and local artists are presented at‘Gallery of Form’, offering a glimpse into the creative mind of the ceramicists.
COLLABORATORS|David Pipkin / 紅坊國際村