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2022 Daxidaxi Exhibition - Step forward with Gods and Generals

2022 大溪大禧 特展「舞德殿:與神同巡」

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「與眾神昂首前行,感受信仰的凝心正氣」是2022 年「舞德殿」紀錄 特展對大眾傳達的核心訊息。「將軍」為關聖帝君的行前護衛,守護 著關聖帝君出巡,出巡的步伐與拜禮的儀態具有其特色和意義,代代 相傳。繼「將軍與我」攝影紀錄展後,「大溪大禧」再次以將軍作為 展覽策劃主題,透過動態影像記錄大溪 10 尊將軍的姿態特色,展現大 溪社頭穿戴上將軍裝備時、化身將軍腳的動態表現與精神轉換。


以將軍步伐為概念貫穿,循著「扛將軍」的三個重要儀式:請神、巡場、拜廟,分為三個展區認識大溪獨特的將軍文化。通過儀式感濃厚的第一個展區「神幸通廊」後,便進入由8 組螢幕形塑出的將軍立體劇場。「一、二、三,屈!」從將軍步伐到特有的屈禮模式,站在交錯畫面的前方,可以感受到那醞釀已久的正氣之姿,不僅是畫面,以訪談方式記錄不同社頭將軍特色以及將軍腳經歷,更引人感受將軍與⼈之間的無形連結。

走過「將軍巡場」展區,觀者還能夠透過互動裝置,學習大溪將軍拜廟時特有的「屈禮」動作,隨地面數字指引試著踩「將軍步」,加入將軍文化傳承的行列;最後,再到下個展間跳一回關公慶生神曲《紅紅OnOn》,有別於前兩區的儀式空間,在這裡感受到的是置身現場的歡騰,跳完舞後,就能在牆上大型投影幕中,看自己與其他觀展者和王彩樺、小事製作 一起跳舞的畫面,也象徵每個人都能夠將正心正念化為行動,用自己的方式感謝神明照顧。

Walking with the Gods and Feeling the Unifying Aura of Faith


Through the black curtain at the entrance, you step into a mysterious corridor, the sound of silver bells ringing in your ears, and in the darkness, you can only spot window views from both sides. The inspiration is taken from the "June 24 Reception" scenery, seen through the window view of the Holy General’s abdomen after incarnation into the Holy Generals. The air is filled with the swirling smoke from the incense burners as if beckoning the gods to come, and from the design of the entrance, it is as if one is drawn into the world of the gods and enters a sacred journey of discovery.

The core message of the 2022 "Dancing Hall of Virtues" exhibition is to convey the spirit of "walking with the gods and feeling the unifying aura of faith." The "Holy General" is the guardian of Guan Sheng Dijun on his holy procession, and the pace of the tour and the rituals of worship have their own characteristics and meanings, which have been handed down from generation to generation. Following the "The General and I" photo documentary exhibition, Daxidaxi once again focuses on Holy Generals as the theme of the exhibition, recording the various posture of the 10 Holy Generals in Daxi through video, showcasing the vivid facial expression and spiritual transformation of Shetou when putting on the Holy General's gear, and becoming a Jiangjunjiao (Holy General’s Men).


🏅 獲獎 Award

2022 金點設計獎/專業策展


LOCATION|Taoyuan, Taiwan
PROGRAM|Curating / Exhibition






紀錄影像製作|DC Films 影像





工程單位|利銘企業社、木A 空間美學


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